Monday, March 14, 2011

Juice Boxes with Wheels

I saw this quilt on Allison's blog and liked it so much that I knew I had to make my own version of it. Hers is made from a fresher color palette, which I like, but I used what I had around here. I had previously purchased a FQ pack of Riley Blake's Wheels plus some yardage. That's mostly what this is.
I added some solids and other prints that I had -- some things from It's a Hoot by Momo.
I was trying to show you the little car in the window, but if you look closely you can also see where my machine skipped stitches and I had to sew back over those spots again. You can't see it? Thicker stitching lines? I doubt the mama who got this will notice either. I keep being reminded that it's okay if my quilts aren't perfect.
On the back are the cars print from Riley Blake, some Quilter's Only in I don't know what color, and some muslin that I dyed orange with RIT dye that I bought at WalMart. It's not the most colorfast dye (as I'm learning), so it fades some. I need to invest in some better fabric dyes, but for now, I just use what's around.
Brown Quilter's Only for the binding. I like it just as well as the Kona, and sometimes my Joann's has better colors of QO than they do of Kona. (Do you just love my patchy green grass? Spring is trying to show up around here.)

Friday, March 11, 2011

It's a Hoot, Baby!

I have been to so many baby showers lately, and each quilt I have given was made specifically for the mama and baby, so I have had no trouble giving up the quilt when it came time. This one was made specifically for the mama and baby too. She's a dear friend, whom I love to death. Oh, but I had a hard time giving this one up.
Burp cloths from top to bottom: 1) Amy Butler, Midwest Modern; 2) Joann's; 3) Lila Tueller, Santorini; 4) Fabric warehouses in Dallas?
All of the squares were made from It's a Hoot by Momo for Moda.
Binding is one of the fabulous polka dots from Bonnie and Camille's Bliss line for Moda.

Monday, March 7, 2011


So it's clear I'm not all that reformed. Corey started one of these, and I realized that I had some of that red polka dot. So it had to be done.
I have almost all the blades cut and sewn for 20 Dresden Plates. I'm not sure what to put in the center, but it will be a larger circle than the hole that is currently there. In the interest of actually finishing this one, I will be machine appliqueing. I know how I am with applique by hand. I love it, but I'm not that diligent. I have enough handwork projects right now anyway.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Freedom from one more UFO hanging over my head. And also, yeah, it's a patriotic quilt. Kinda thinking I'll just call it Freedom.
If you haven't heard me say this before, I LOVE patriotic quilts. I saw this one in a quilting book (can't remember the name or FIND it at the moment -- sewing room is still not completely put back together). I started it a LONG time ago. I had an older friend who would give me fabric all the time when I was first starting out quilting. This quilt is made entirely from scraps from her scrap pile. I think even the white is. I did go buy this lovely toile for the back -- I think it's depicting scenes from the Revolutionary War.
Sawtooth Stars inside Log Cabins. And Log Cabins inside Sawtooth Stars.
It is already keeping us warm. It's on my UFO Challenge list (see sidebar), so whenever that month comes, I'll be ahead of the game. I think I have turned over a new leaf around here. Maybe. :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February UFO Challenge Finishes

This month I had initially planned to do whatever number Judy had drawn. So I was all set to do my #10 UFO. I have looked nearly everywhere, however, and I cannot find the rest of the fabrics to finish it. I have a bag somewhere with the border fabrics in it, can't find it. Anyway, so as a result, I decided last week to try to finish my February projects and try to do the correct number next month. :) Again. (Sigh.)
So for February, I bound my ORB#1 quilt. It is now on my girls' bed. Hooray for that!
Elizabeth Hartman's Paintbox QAL from last year. Earlier today, this is what it looked like. I kept trying to get it basted this past weekend, but it did not pan out. So I did it today. And quilted it. So now it looks like . . .
What? You say you don't see any binding? Yeah, that's because I just barely finished quilting it, and I'm too tired to do any more. So it's not completely finished, but it's very close. And I'm getting better at binding my quilts once they're quilted. I suspect it will be finished in short order.
I suppose I could have gotten a close-up of the quilting. But I didn't. Loop-de-loops. Some big, some small. I'll show some close-ups when it's bound and washed and dried. I'm pretty pleased with what I accomplished in so short a time. I'm kinda wishing I had decided to go this route sooner, though. Then maybe it would already be bound.