Friday, January 2, 2009

Bumblebee quilt -- Finished!

So I actually finished this a couple of days after I had it pinned, but instead of blogging, I have been making things, having Christmas, having the kids home from school, being sick, feasting, et cetera. My blogs have been severely neglected of late to be sure.
This was for my husband's sister and her husband, whose name we had for Christmas this year. I have loved this quilt top for a long time (even though, as I say repeatedly, I do not like yellow), and I just decided this year to finish it. It's twin size -- I didn't get the exact measurements before I sent it. I'm just glad I remembered to take pictures!
The back looks like a multi-colored polka dot, but it's really just white dots on a field of black. I took several pictures, and they all turned out the same. They look right in the full-size version. What're ya gonna do?
A close-up of the quilting detail on the back. I just quilted diagonally across the squares. I do that a lot with the quilts that are just squares. I like it better than stitching in the ditch.
That yellow floral is one that Jill sent me with that first batch of fabric. She sent me a second batch, but I don't think I even took pictures of that, and now it's all put away. Don't you worry, though. She sent me some great stuff, and you'll be seeing it in various projects here and there. I've started a BUNCH of new quilts -- which usually isn't good, because I'm not great at finishing. I'm going to work on that, though. I was talking to my husband about finishing things and I said, "What if I could not start anything new for a whole year and just finish all the projects I have now?" He said, "No." He knows me so well. It's not that he didn't think it was a good idea. (Finish things? He would be overjoyed if I finished even half of what's lying around here!) He just knows that ideas bombard me, and I just have to start them. Therein lies the problem with finishing. Well, I'm a work-in-progress as well. That, I guess, is one of my New Year's Resolutions -- to become a finisher -- in all areas, not just quilting. Hopefully it will go well, and you will see my progress here. I have some other things to show you that I've been working on, but that will be another day.


  1. I love the way the Bumblebee quilt turned out. I think putting certain colors with black and white just makes them more appealing. I feel like I have made a lot of progress toward finishing stuff, but not enough yet. I need to keep focusing on it this year as well. I just want to have the things I make and not the unfinished versions of them.

  2. YEAH...(clapping hands)..another finished's Great!!

  3. I really like the looks of this quilt. It's very dramatic. Great job!

  4. the quilt turned out great! i like the stitching on the adds a lot to the quilt!
