Friday, April 3, 2009

I am weak . . .

I hadn't bought fabric since before Christmas -- it was over 80 days -- and then last month, I caved. I should know better than to go into Joann's, but I always went in for seemingly innocuous things like stamping ink. I passed this up a bunch of times. Finally I just couldn't pass it up anymore. It was 40% off, though.
It's actually a much more vibrant green IRL. I couldn't get a better pic than that. And BTW, I did buy it for a specific purpose, not just because it's gorgeous. It's going on the back of this.
This, however, I just bought because it was gorgeous. And I bought it today, so I'm starting back at one. I used my 50 percent off coupon, and I have been coveting (I'll repent later) this for a while too. You can never have too much patriotic stuff.

I don't know exactly what I'm doing with this, but I'm envisioning a sundress for my younger daughter just in time for Independence Day, which -- if you don't already know -- is my favorite holiday. I should be thinking Easter dresses instead. My older daughter's is done except for the zipper. It's not Easter-y, but I'm giving myself a deadline or else it will stay zipperless for a long time. My younger daughter's Easter dress is still in my head. Hmm.

I got 7 yards of the above fabric, so I'm sure I'll be able to back a quilt with it too. I don't have enough yardages (that aren't either pink or already spoken for). I mostly have a yard or less of things. It makes my backs VERY scrappy, which is okay sometimes, but not all. And I prefer not to use a solid on the back if I can help it -- which sometimes I can't.


  1. That is soooo funny. I bought some of the fabric with blue flowers to make a bag for my daughter.

    Nice quilt...I love the fabric you chose for the back too.

    Kelly Jackson

  2. Both fabrics are beautiful! I was in our Joanne's this afternoon and didn't see anything so nice!
    I love that quilt also.

  3. Resistance is futile!!! I go through stages where I don't buy anything new for a long time, then all of the sudden an innocent trip to results in a binge of fabric. Or, a new line comes out and I love it and am confronted with it at every turn. This has been the case lately with Wonderland and Neptune.

  4. I love the blue patriotic material. I think I would have caved too if I was still sewing.
