Monday, November 30, 2009

All evidence to the contrary . . .

This quilt actually got finished Thanksgiving morning, but I was giving it to my SIL that day and it was a mad dash out the door. There was also a double-sided flannel blanket that went with it. I finished that too, but alas, there is no pictorial evidence.
You're just going to have to trust me on this one. I'm trustworthy.
As an aside, I used a new-to-me technique on this for which I can take absolutely no credit. You know I steal all my ideas from others, right? Okay, okay. The pattern of this quilt was mine, but the construction, the applique was from this website. Isn't her stuff amazing?!


  1. I really like it! I love stars a lot lately it seems. I really need to get sewing, I have a long list of things to sew in the next week, and very little time to focus on it. I forgot to ask you yesterday if this baby has a name?

  2. what a cute quilt! The colors in it are great! That's a really neat technique too.

  3. Ooooh, this one is beautiful! I love the colors too. Thanks for you comment on my blog, it was sweet.
    I wish I could get just one of those projects that I started finished. I just keep starting new ones.

  4. this quilt is lovely. thanks for coming to my blog, saying hello and entering the giveaway. good luck

  5. love the stars! looks like the back is pieced too! wow! very cute!

  6. Hi Jessica, You won my SMS giveaway! Please email me at mecbruno(at)gmail(dot)com so I can send them out to you asap. Or head over to my blog and leave your email in my comments. Hope to hear from you soon!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I also really love the colors and patterns in the star quilt! :)
