Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lazy Gal Red FINISH!

Pin-basted. Yep, that sure took up a lot of floor space!
Quilted, not bound.
All finished. Washed and crinkly.
Back. I added the red to the bottom, since I didn't have enough of the black.
Can't go wrong with polka dot binding!
For those of you that are counting, that makes six finishes for Jacquie's Joy in the New Year challenge. I have one other finish that I haven't posted and one small quilt to finish binding that may make it in. Of course, I have TONS more wips to finish, but this is a good start, I'd say. I'll try to post the other two later tonight. Off to bind that quilt! Good luck with your finishes. I'll race ya!


  1. Wahoo-I bet all these finishes feel great! I need to get my rear in gear on a few things, we should plan some sewing projects for this summer for sure.

    I love the red and black!
