Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nine Patch, Round One

Yes, it's just round one. Don't criticize. Round two is still in the works. I haven't given up on it yet. I finished round one; I can finish round two.
Back -- some of my home tie-dyed fabric -- just regular muslin, some RIT dye, and a whole bunch of rubber bands.
Diagonal crosshatching using the squares as my guides. I try not to mark any quilts if I can help it at all, so I just eyeballed this one. Don't look too closely, or you'll see the imperfections.
Low, wide stippling-type quilting around the borders. On its way to its new home.


  1. It's great Jess! I love the cross-hatching. I haven't even made all the squares for round one, so you're way ahead of me on this one. Maybe in the new year.

  2. These are nice. I just looked at your list of quilts finished in 2009. I can't believe it. WOW. So much energy. You are doing all the things I ever wanted to do. I am so proud of you.

  3. I love your ninepatch and you did a great job quilting it! I haven't done one yet, but I need to. That is a great idea for the backing, it is really neat looking.

  4. This turned out great! I have my round 1 quilt all basted and ready to be quilted...hoping to get around to it next week.

    Carissa had December and she wasn't able to get it together in time, so she's either going to share with January or do her month in June.

  5. this is a really great quilt! i love the sashing color with the reds and blues. so nice!
