Friday, June 25, 2010

Deconstructing a quilt . . .

Literally. Before picture.
I got this adorable vintage fabric at the Fort Worth Quilt Show a number of years ago. I loved it, didn't want to cut it up (always how I felt for a LONG time), so I found some fabrics in my stash that matched and made it into a quilt top -- never finished it. Never loved it either. Loved the fabric -- just not the quilt top. I really don't know why I felt like I had to slap something together with it. It has been too long since I made it to remember the psychology behind it.
Anyway, now it looks like this. I love the fabric. I don't want to feel like I wasted it on a quilt I do not love. So I have one fewer WIP. Not the traditional route, though.
So the lesson for today is don't be afraid to rip apart something you don't love. I don't mean in a mad frenzy. Keep yourself under control. But quilting is for you to love. Only do what works for you. Now I have to think of a better use for this fabric. But not yet. Because I am still at 72 WIPs, and that is nothing to sneeze at. Okay. Go make something!

1 comment:

  1. I have a few fabric pieces I don't want to cut up. I keep thinking eventually I will find just the right project and make something I love out of them. I too keep wondering about the psychology of not using the stuff I really love.
