Monday, January 10, 2011

I wish real coins multiplied like fabric coins.

Before my second machine broke (yes, she's in the hospital for a week), I was able to sew some of my scrappy strips together and then trim them to 5 1/2 strips.
I still don't have enough to make the throw-sized coin quilt that I want, but I am by no means lacking in scrap strips. Once my daily companion recuperates, I'll be back sewing these strips together. I may have enough to do two quilts. :/ Maybe that's not bad. I think what's bad is the fact that my scrap basket has not diminished in the LEAST. (Maybe that's not bad either.)

I hope you're getting to do more sewing than I am right now!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am impressed. They look great and will make an awesome quilt or two.
    When you said daily companion I thought you meant your hubby. *
