Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A little whimsy

Have I mentioned how I love all things Fig Tree? I have coveted and drooled over her fabric lines for a long time (since Dandelion Girl), but I had been in a fabric-buying moratorium for a long time. But last year, I got to buy some Whimsy (cough, cough, a whole FQ pack).
This is just one of the things that I did with it. I also used it for Amanda Jean's #5 Quilt-Along (UFO). And I have a whole bunch of it left still too. :D
A view from the side.
This quilt was inspired by lots of other quilts I've seen around the blogosphere using squares and frames. This is my own take on that same concept. It was actually a lot of fun to design and piece. It's amazing what you can do with graph paper. ;)


  1. I love Whimsy! I love graph paper! and I LOVE YOUR QUILT DESIGN!!!!! Looks great.

  2. I love this quilt! You really should make this into a pattern!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That comment deleted just above was me! Jack left his school acct on!

    Anyway, love this one, you should do a tutorial or a pattern, or just send me your notes ;). Great job on finished ORB as well, you have been on a roll!

  5. this is a very, very VERY cool quilt! nice work!
