Thursday, July 21, 2011

A little windy.

It's a little windy today. This is how my first attempt at photographing this quilt went. I need some of those big clamps to clip the quilts to the fence, I guess. (Please, ignore my weeds. Our weed-eater is having technical difficulties.)
This time the wind is helping to keep it against the fence. You can hardly see the kaleidoscope pattern, but I had to give up for now. I'll have better pics when it's finished. It has the same color palette as this quilt, because it came from the same pile of fabrics. What can I say? I thought they were pretty.
What I'd really like to point out here is that I am STILL caught up with the QAL. Now I just need to get caught up with my Farmer's Wife quilts.

1 comment:

  1. Lol at your photos, your quilt is so pretty and colourful it deserved a better staging photograph! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished quilt on a wind free day, draped elegantly over your fence!
