Friday, January 25, 2013

Ruby Sparkle Punch

So after over a year of thinking I was going to link up to Amanda Jean's Finish-it-Up Friday, here I finally am with a finish.  This is Elizabeth Hartman's Sparkle Punch Quilt made from Bonnie and Camille's Ruby fabric line.
It is one of my favorites in appearance.  Of course, as always, I think I should have made it just a bit bigger. I'm guessing I'm not as tiny as Elizabeth is.  The QAL instructions say that it is 60x72, but I'm not sure I feel like mine is that big.  Maybe it is . . . but maybe it shrunk.  I don't prewash my fabrics.
That aside, I absolutely love all of her designs.  She has fun patterns and precise instructions.  I love my Sparkle Punch quilt.  It makes me happy to look at it.  It has such great energy.
I don't know why I let it sit around quilted but unbound for so long.  Indecision?  Yeah, we'll go with indecision.  Anybody else ever have trouble choosing binding and/or backing?  I'm good with the top, but then I get blocked sometimes.  I'm glad I went with the gray.  All the other colors were either too much or too little.  Hope you finished something this week!  :)


  1. Wow! That's great! The back is cooler than most quilt backs! Nice work.

  2. This quilt is absolutely luscious---and I adore that pattern (as well as the fabrics) :).

  3. Great quilt! I love the backing too.

  4. LOVE that pieced back! Soooo glad you are back and blogging/quilting again!
