Thursday, March 21, 2013

Caught Up

Sorry I missed last week.  Between eye surgeries (not mine), doctor's appointments (not mine), and wisdom teeth removal (again, not mine), things have been pretty hectic here.  Nonetheless, here we are . . .

Four new ones. 

And the six all together.  Look at that.  So far, so good.  I'm not going to lie.  I'm a little distressed at the lack of perfection going on here, because Anina's are so. much. better.  I'm thinking I'll continue to improve, but if not, then in the end, nobody look too closely.  In fact, don't look too closely now.

I'm thinking maybe I should really show you some of the other things I've been working on.  

Anybody else Dear Jane-ing?

1 comment:

  1. My lack of progress is doctors and dentist appointments as well. I think I have had extra stuff everyday the past two weeks, it is not conducive to sewing as you know. And everyone was sick except for Tessa and I. I plan to catch up and post prior to spring break.
