Friday, July 12, 2013

Modified Bento Box a la Ashley

A few years ago, Ashley made a quilt like this with Flea Market Fancy.  I loved her colors, so I tried to mimic hers here.  Mine quilt is a little brighter than her soft color palette, but I still like the effect.  Again, I have a crazy wash of color.

 (One boy is shorter than the other.)

 I used scrap strips for the front, so I didn't have much of anything left to go on the back.

 I love the optical illusion that this pattern creates.

Linking up to Finish It Up Friday with Amanda Jean.  Again.  Feast or famine around here.


  1. Love it, wonderful rich colors. Almost looks like solids until you look close.

  2. Looks great! The colors really work perfect with the pattern too.

  3. I Love it!! Those colors are so vibrant!!
